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Showing posts with the label ADAS

ADAS: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems That Make Driving Safer

  ADAS: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are a suite of technologies that help drivers stay safe and avoid accidents. ADAS systems use sensors, cameras, and other technologies to monitor the vehicle's surroundings and provide warnings or take corrective action to help the driver avoid collisions. There are many different types of ADAS systems, but some of the most common include: Lane departure warning (LDW): LDW systems use cameras to monitor the vehicle's position in its lane and warn the driver if they start to drift out of the lane. Blind-spot monitoring (BSM): BSM systems use radar or cameras to monitor the vehicle's blind spots and warn the driver if there is another vehicle in the blind spot. Automatic emergency braking (AEB): AEB systems use sensors to monitor the vehicle's surroundings and automatically brake if the vehicle detects an imminent collision. Adaptive cruise control (ACC): ACC systems use radar to monit